The Psychology & Philosophy of Fostering Child Development | TALKING CHIMPS PODCAST #29 – Abigail Shrier

This conversation with Abigail Shrier centres around the recent explosion in gender dysphoria rates in young girls unpacking the suspected root causes and it’s consequences. I did my best to discuss topics and ask questions she has not talked about before to uncover more of the nuance behind these tricky subjects. We extend the conversation to how we can facilitate the growth and development of the younger generations through critical thinking, parenting strategies, education, looking through history and carefully selected books to foster child development. If you’re a parent or want to have children one day I hope you enjoy this conversation and it shines a new perspective on these topics for you.

Abigail Shrier is an author and Wall Street Journal writer with a bachelor of philosophy from the University of Oxford, a Euretta J. Kellett Fellowship recipient and studied law at Yale Law School. Her new book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” is available here:




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