Loose Lacing
It’s widely understood that Timbs look better when they’re not tied tightly around your foot, but instead worn loose. Does this mean you need to fall out of your Timbs with every step? No. But it doesn’t mean that your boots should be choking your ankles either.
The classic six inch Timbs come with seven eyelets (the holes you run the laces through) on either side of the boot. If you’re going for a loose laced boot, undo the factory lacing, and re-lace; making note to skip every other eyelet. This also means stopping before the topmost eyelet. There’s no hard and fast rule however, so if you find this is either too tight or too loose, add or unlace eyelets accordingly.
Wear Tapered Pants With Boots
We know that guys will read that headline and be up in arms, but hear us out. For a modern styling, the best type of pant to wear is going to be tapered. Whether you’re rocking tech fleece or skinny denim, you want something that’s going to stack, or at the very least, fallwithin the collar of the boot.
Much like dudes who wear their Jordans with #NTDenim, going with a baggier bottom awkwardly drapes across the boot. We’re not saying that tapered pants are the only way to rock the boots, but Timbs deserve to be seen—not covered by billowing bootcut jeans.
Before we forget about Timbs and shorts… tread super carefully. The only guy that can pull this off on a regular basis is Pharrell. 98% of the time, it’s a solid fail, but when done right, it absolutely kills:

(Edit: I have to disagree with the original writer I don’t think it’s too difficult to pull off Tims with shorts. You just can’t be random about it. Pairing monochromatic colors together with some Stance socks to match the color of your Tims can prove to work pretty effectively. If your trying to maintain some reminisces of Winter in the Summer by sticking with a boot than don’t be afraid to try and experiment with it.
Stacked Skinny Pants Are A Foolproof Way To Wear Timbs
Pants Should Always Fall Behind The Boot’s Tongue
Regardless of what you decide to do with the boot tongue, your pants should fall behind the tongue. Whether you’re stacking or cuffing, avoid placing your pants over the tongue. Depending on how you lace up your boots, you can either let the laces lie behind the tongue, in front of the tongue—or you simply fold the tongue down, and keep it moving.
Without speaking for everyone, it’s advised you cop your Timbs at least one size below your normal shoe size. This is especially true if you’re planning to loose lace your boots. If you’re conflicted on where you’d fall on the Timberland size chart, or you’re the type of guy whose size fluctuates wildly between brands, size down.
Matinaing & Cleaning
Like any pair of leather footwear, you need to treat the leather if you want the boots to come out of winter looking the way they did going in. Timberland claims the boots are waterproof, and in a way they’re right. But when they say “waterproof,” they mean that your foot will stay dry, and that water won’t enter the boot—not that the leather is actually going to repel water externally. Unless it’s specifically stated, you should expect that a lack of leather treatment will leave your boots looking less appealing.
Most chain shoe stores carry a suede protectant and waterproofer. When applying the protectant balm or spray, make sure to add about two coats, wait about 20 minutes between each application. Using a brush to work in the product should help. Overall, don’t be surprised if you see some discoloration—how you deal (or don’t deal) with that is up to you. But hey, Timbs are workboots after all. Treating them isn’t a requirement. Wearing them with a little age or discoloration isn’t really a bad thing.
Written By Gregory Babcock
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