
Income & Expenses Spreadsheet Google Sheet Tracker

Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $0.00.


“Wealth is a ratio between expenses and income, it is not a number!”

If you don’t know that number how can you get wealthy?

This tracker gives you that ultra-valuable information so you can give yourself a chance to get wealthy.

If you want to get out of debt and create wealth you must get more enjoyment out of saving and investing your money than spending it.

One way to hack the game of money is by making tracking your money enjoyable and dopaminergic.

That’s where this tracker comes in as a one-of-a-kind powerful finance tracker that will help you make more money.

It’s designed in a way where every time you record an income you can visually see your profit % change in an instant.

This tells you if you’re on the right path towards more debt or profit and keeps you accountable to a system that enables you to continually make more money and minimise over expenditure.

This is a powerful income and expenses spreadsheet that actually gives you the information you need to make better financial decisions to make more money, learn where you need to cut expenses and invest more.

If you want to be wealthy and live a free life then understanding how much money is coming in and out is paramount. I have been recording my income and expenses for nearly 10 years now. My tracker has previously been private and unavailable to the public until I hired an excel specialist to make it exactly how I wanted it. I was so impressed with how it turned out I thought I’d make it public so other’s can get as much value as I am out of it. And yes, it is mobile-friendly on all devices with the Google Sheets app. Scroll to the bottom for a how-to-use the tracker video.

Tracker Tutorial

NOTE: DO NOT EDIT THE SHEET’S NAME ‘2022’ and others or the formulas will not work.

How To Update Income & Expenses Spreadsheet To A New Year

Watch to see what cells and sheet’s you can change the name to and which one’s you can’t.


Update 0.3 July 2022:

  • Starts and ends at the beginning of the Australian financial year instead of in January so you can make it easier during tax time for you/your accountant.
    • The original Jan – Dec is still available upon purchase as well.
  • Now every day displays the profit or expense % instead of just one figure centre aligned in the middle per month.
  • Added month brackets to distinguish between months easier.

Income & Expenses Spreadsheet Features

The Google Sheet is separated into 5 sheets: current yearly income and expenses, end of year review, investments, graphs and itemised income and expenses tally. 

1) Yearly Income & Expenses Sheet

  • This is where you will input all your income and expenses day to day.
  • A monthly profit percentage progress bar is automatically calculated in the top row to easily view how much profit you’re making each month. This will change colour based on the level of progress you’ve made.
  • Below this an income goal progress bar that will display in % how far you are from achieving your incoming goal (the same for outgoings further below). This will also change colour based on the level of progress you’ve made.
  • Heatmap scale highlighting based on highest and lowest value across all expenses so you can see where your largest are from a glance.
  • Automatic current day highlight to easily input data (the column of today’s date will highlight automatically).

2) End Of Year Review & Income/Expenses Targets

  • This sheet provides valuable insight into monthly and yearly performance.
  • This is where you would come at the end of every month/year to review your progress that will infer decisions about what financial changes need to be made.
  • Inbuilt accountability to set income and expenses goals every month and see how far you are to achieving your monthly targets.
  • View monthly income/outgoing averages and profit made each month.

3) Investments

  • The investments sheet is used to calculate custom investments such as stocks, ETFs, business, cryptocurrency etc.
  • Any data inputted here does not count towards your total outgoings and is treated as a true investment that possesses an inherent value and ROI.

4) Graph Sheet

  • For those that prefer a graphical format to view their annual income and expenses this sheet is for you.
  • View which income streams provide the highest or lowest income throughout the year.
  • Abar graph to show which outgoing’s where highest.
  • Two pie charts breaking down annual income and expenses.

5) Income & Expenses Sheet

  • This sheet aggregates all the data from the main sheet and tabulates your highest and lowest income and expenses into a ranking.
  • This automatic ranking system helps you answer very quickly which income and expense streams are the highest or lowest and their respective percentage of contribution to your overall revenue and expenses.
    • E.G. This will help you answer important questions about how much eating out, rent and car expenses cost you in comparison to all your other expenses.
    • E.G. This will help you answer which income streams are the most and least profitable.
  • Note: do not edit these cells.

Purchasing Note

  • After purchase, click the purple box and you will be redirected to a Google Sheet (you can also do the same in your email by clicking the link under the ‘download’ box.
  • To begin using the sheet you need to create a copy of it. To do this click ‘File’ and then click ‘Make A Copy’. This will be copied to your Google Drive home. This is where you can use the sheet and edit it as you wish.
  • Any future updates to the spreadsheet are included and will be emailed out to you automatically.

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