- Get a water filter
- Use smaller plates to reduce caloric intake or use larger plates to increase caloric intake.
- Get blackout curtains, eye masks, wear blue blockers at night, install blue-blocking apps and red globes in lamps to improve sleep.
- Get garden plants for the home to clean the air and provide a calming beautiful environment.
- Remove TVs from all bedrooms.
- Turn off all notifications on your phone (at a minimum all social media apps).
- Get a dog (maybe a cat).
- Buy a standing desk and foldable desk treadmill.
- Unfollow all accounts on social media that trigger negative emotions and neuroticism.
- Order all groceries online for pick up or delivery to minimise shopping for incessant items and dozens of hours per year.
- Disable auto-play on all streaming services and YouTube to minimise mindless watching.
- Delete all food delivery apps if you’re ordering too much take out every week.
- Enable 2-factor authentication on all accounts possible.
- Use a password manager.
- Change all passwords to randomly generated complex passwords.
- Leave a fruit and vegetable bowel out on the kitchen top.
- Put away hyper-palatable processed foods in a high kitchen cupboard away from eye level every time you get groceries.
- Invest thousands of dollars in a quality mattress and pillow that fits your body.
- Turn off all devices and electronics in your bedroom before sleeping.
- Never bring your phone into your bedroom.
- Put your phone in aeroplane mode when exercising.
- Automate 10% of your income to be transferred into a savings and investments bank account.
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